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Using Visual Studio Code

Please install the following requirements:

After opening your first project in Visual Studio Code you will be asked to download multiple packages (e.g. Omnisharp, ...)

Clone project

Open the integrated Command Palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P.

Enter Git: Clone command and press Enter. You will be asked for your full .git URL.

Copy your .git URL from your generated project. In this example HTTPS is used.

Your URL should look like this:<your-dashboard-name>dashboard.git

or like this:<your-dashboard-name>dashboard


Please refer to the official docs in case of an issue.

Open project

Navigate to the cloned folder, navigate to the folder that has a .csproj file and perform a right-click on it. Select Open with Code.

open cloned project with code

Alternatively you can run Visual Studio Code first and select File -> Open Folder.... Select your cloned .git-Folder and you are ready to modify your dashboard.

open cloned project with code


Modify your dashboard by adding a new Razor Page. Your are free to fully edit this page and fill it with your content, visualizations and data.

See this tutorial for help.

Please do not edit:

  • Index.cshtml or Index.cshtml.cs - Show SimpleDashboard
  • Edit.cshtml or Edit.cshtml.cs - Edit SimpleDashboard

Commit and Push

  1. Click on the Git icon and check your changes.

    visual studio code commit example

  2. Enter a suitable commit message

    visual studio code commit example

  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to commit.

    visual studio code commit example

    As you can see, there are two staged commits ready to be pushed on the Gitlab server.

  4. Push your commits

    By pressing the arrow with the count of staged commits, you trigger the Sync routine. Visual Studio Code will synchronize both Git-Repositories by itself.

Please refer to the official docs in case of an issue.