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Expanding (AdvancedDashboard)

This page deals with a workflow for expanding an existing SimpleDashboard and preparing it for LiveData - Integration.

Please keep in mind, that also AdvancedDashboards contain all elements of a SimpleDashboard. This is mandatory for fallback reasons if your dashboard is faced by problems with:

  • mobile devices / touch
  • uncommon screen resolutions
  • network issues
  • infrastructure

Create a GitLab-Account

Ensure that you already have access to Fraunhofer GitLab or RWTH Aachen Gitlab (WZL users)

Please do not use the Educational version of RWTH Gitlab This is strictly forbidden. See here for explanantion.

Fraunhofer Gitlab

You will require your Fraunhofer ID for the following steps. If you have not created a Gitlab-Account / have not logged in yet, perform the following steps.

Change primary password and get Fraunhofer ID

  1. Navigate to the IPT-Portal
  2. Click on "Fraunhofer Verzeichnisdienst"
  3. Smartcard-Login
  4. Click on "Change primary password", if not done before
  5. Write down your Fraunhofer ID

Login to Gitlab (IPT)

  1. Navigate to Fraunhofer Gitlab:
  2. Login by using the Tab "Fraunhofer Verzeichnis" and enter your Credentials.
  3. Contact and ask for access to the dashboard group

RWTH Gitlab / WZL

Pleas only use the CE (Community Edition) instance of the RWTH Gitlab. It can be found here. The use of is only allowed for educational projects.

Login to Gitlab (RWTH)

Accessing the Web-UI of Gitlab can be easily performed by visiting:

login 1

Click on the Button with DFN-AAI Single Sign-On

login 2

Proceed by selectiong RWTH Aachen University.

Get Access to the Dashboard group

Unfortunately, there is no invitation link functionality in Gitlab - therefore we have to provide access for each user separately.

Please request access by writing a mail to one of the following mail:

Start developing

Continue by selecting your IDE:

Remark: The folders assets and archive will be overriden in the online version. The content of the contact card has to be set via the edit mode or hardcoded in the dashboard code itself!

Inspire yourself

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