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Using Visual Studio 2017/2019

As of February 2020 there is no available solution for WZL users to develop with Visual Studio 2017/2019 which is mandatory to develop ASP.Net Core 2.1 applications.

Please refer to Visual Studio Code section instead.

Clone project (VS17/19)

  1. Copy your .git URL from your generated project. In this example HTTPS is used.

    Your URL should look like this:<your-dashboard-name>dashboard.git

    or like this:<your-dashboard-name>dashboard


  2. Clone your project by entering the *.git - URL to Visual Studio 2017/2019 in the Clone project section. The image was created with Visual Studio 2019.



Modify (VS17/19)

Modify your dashboard by adding a new RazorPage. Your are free to fully edit this page and fill it with your content, visualizations and data.

Please do not edit:

  • Index.cshtml or Index.cshtml.cs - Show SimpleDashboard
  • Edit.cshtml or Edit.cshtml.cs - Edit SimpleDashboard

Create a new RazorPage

  1. Right-click the Pages folder in your project and select Add -> Razor-Page....

  2. Enter a suitable name. This name will also be your future page URL.

    Example: https://<your-dashboard><RazorPage>

  3. Select the default Layout-file Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.

  4. Press Add to start generation.

    Add new razor page

  5. Adapt your new created RazorPage files to the provided schema of RazorPageExample.

    Model-File - RazorPageExample.cshtml.cs

    ```csharp using SimpleDashboard.Features; using SimpleDashboard.Models;

    namespace SimpleDashboard.Pages { public class RazorPageExampleModel : PageModel { #region DoNotDelete internal TagManager tagManager;

        public BasicTemplate SimpleTemplate { get; set; }
        public RazorPageExampleModel(TagManager _tagManager)
            tagManager = _tagManager;
        public void OnGet()
            #region DoNotDelete
            SimpleTemplate = Features.Tools.LoadAssets();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SimpleTemplate.Tags))

    } ```

    All Html/CSS/Javascript-related stuff should be placed in the .cshtml - file.

    View-File - RazorPageExample.cshtml

    ```csharp @page @model SimpleDashboard.Pages.RazorPageExampleModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "RazorPageExample"; Layout = "~/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }


    Cell 1

    Example 1

    Cell 2

    Example 2


See this official tutorial for further help.

Run your dashboard

Press IIS Express button or F5 key and your dashboard gets compiled and started.

Launch example

A new browser window opens up.

Browser example

You can also switch your browser by clicking

Switch browser example

Commit and Push (VS17/19)

After editing your project you should perform the following steps:

  1. Build, Run and Test(F5) your project

    start debugging

    Your browser opens up a screen at https://localhost:5000 or http://localhost:5000

  2. Commit if result is satisfying


  3. Push your commit.

    Select Commit and Sync for Fetching, Pulling and Pushing your commit.

Alternatively you can commit multiple times and push all commits at once by pushing the arrow symbol.

Your work will now be synchonized with the corresponding Gitlab instance. If you commited to the master-branch, your results will be public available after the CI pipeline succeeded.